About Daniel "Max Power" Kunkle

Daniel Kunkle is currently a PhD student in the College of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University, focusing in the areas of data mining and machine learning.

He received his MS in Computer Science at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in 2003, focusing on evolutionary search & optimization and emergent behavior in computation. He received a BS with highest honors in Information Technology RIT in 2001.

His Master's thesis explores methods of classifying one-dimensional cellular automata based on dynamical complexity. In 2002, he consulted with the Laboratory for Applied Computing at RIT, developing evolutionary methods for optimizing the halftone printing of continuous-tone images.

In the summer of 2001 he was an intern for Stephen Guerin at BiosGroup developing systems for the visualization of complex systems.

Dan's current research page is http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/kunkle/.

old research page: redfish.com/dkunkle.